Initial Consultation
When you make initial contact, we will arrange a time to meet for a consultation. The consultation is 50 minutes and allows us to discuss your issues and your hopes for therapy in more detail. It also gives us an opportunity to make sure that I am the right therapist for you.
If we decide to work together, we will agree an ongoing day and time to meet each week, with each session lasting for 50 minutes. We will also discuss details such as cancellation of sessions, holidays, confidentiality and fees. The agreed day and time will be your space until the therapy ends.
If you decide that I am not the right therapist for you, there is no obligation to continue after the initial consultation. If for any reason, I do not believe that I am the most appropriate therapist for you, I will discuss this with you and give you details for other therapists and/or services that might be more suitable.
Long-Term or Short-Term Therapy
Therapy can be either short-term, lasting just a few weeks, to long-term which can be for a couple of years or more. If you are not sure what you want, we can discuss this together during the initial consultation.
Initial Consultation
The initial consultation for individuals is £60 and is 50 minutes. For relationship therapy, I suggest we meet for 90 minutes initially and the charge for this is £100.
Ongoing Sessions
I charge between £70 and £90 per session for individual therapy and £90-£120 for relationship therapy. The fee is something that we will discuss and agree during the first consultation, in line with your affordability. I choose to have a sliding scale so that the therapy I offer can be made accessible to people on varying incomes. If you are a high-salary earner, there is the option to pay more than the above scales if you wish, which can then support lower-cost places for those that cannot afford the full-fee.
I also have some lower-cost places (ie. lower than £55) for people who cannot afford the full fee. If you would like a lower-cost place, please highlight this on initial contact, as these places are limited.
I am available for in person sessions Monday-Wednesday and online sessions on Friday afternoon.
My consulting room is located on the 3rd floor of the building and is only accessible via stairs.